llave inglesadianachip-COMANAICOMANAI-STEAM-logorobotlaboratorio-COMANAI

At COMANAI SMARTER ENGINEERING, we promote scientific thought, technological knowledge and innovation in education. That’s why we created COMANAI STEAM. The future of our children and equal opportunities in a world in which technology surrounds us and is becoming increasingly complex calls for a form of education aimed at solving complex problems.
Education to come up with creative, innovative solutions which make use of the technology available to develop processes which make sense for educational communities. An education based on equity, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness for the integral, interdisciplinary development of:

  • Basic skills (literacy, algebra, science, computing, arts, civic culture and financial literacy).
  • Competencies related to these skills (critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration) to address complex challenges.
  • Qualities of character (curiosity, initiative, persistence, adaptability, leadership and social and cultural sensitivity) that the changes awaiting us will call for.

That is the basis the educational concept STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), a structural response to the challenge of the present state of technological flux and a none-too-distant future with jobs which do not even exist yet.






65% of pupils now starting primary school will work in jobs that do not currently exist according to World Economic Forum estimates. UNESCO tells us that we need to progress in science and technology, and establish them at all educational levels in order to ensure economic and social development. In fact, Spain has ample room for improvement to get anywhere near the leaders in digital economy and society, especially regarding education in the use of new technologies, as reflected in the European Commission’s DESI indicator (Digital Economy and Society Index). We need to add to that the fact that the technological frontier continues to shift away at high speed, data are becoming more and more available, and artificial intelligence is advancing relentlessly. These developments apply to areas of our lives that we would never have imagined just a few years ago.

Why is STEAM so important to COMANAI?

  • Because it promotes a culture of scientific thinking for decision making, which is very useful both inside and especially outside the classroom.
  • Because it allows students to acquire technological and scientific knowledge applicable to any possible situation which may crop up in the future from an integrated perspective..
  • Because this integration of knowledge allows for greater awareness of the relationships between the different areas of knowledge, ensuring a greater degree of active participation.
  • Because, thanks to the creative factor, the ‘A’ In STEAM, students can not only develop competencies needed for problem solving or analysis, but also those involved in innovation and creative and critical thinking.

COMANAI STEAM is turning into a learning space which some of our best partners and customers now also share. We thank them all for adopting COMANAI SMARTER ENGINEERING’s commitment to the future of our children.

As the main sponsor of Fundación Ikastola Jaso, COMANAI contributes, through COMANAI STEAM, to innovation and economic and social development through the Jaso Musikala project.

In Jaso Musikala, youngsters aged between 12 and 16 discover and acquire knowledge and significant skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), and work in teams to develop engineering processes and solutions in order to stage a musical which combines singing, dancing, acrobatics, live music and special effects. One of the keys of STEAM are its ‘maker spaces’, designed for participants to create in. “Learning by doing”. In the Jaso Musikala artistic project, the students work on concepts which belong to mathematics, physics and chemistry when, among other things, they:

  • Design scenery
  • Design Lighting
  • Find out how LED lighting systems function and learn to work with them
  • Collaborate in the sound programming for a show
  • Learn the keys to operating an AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle)



  • Example of dry ice: chemical reactions.
  • Physical exercises with acrobatics calculations.



  • Creating scenery, measurements, cutting, materials.
  • Electrical concepts.



  • Thinking how to make props.
  • Lighting programming and design.
  • Sound programming and design.



  • Singing
  • Dance
  • Choreographies
  • Costume design



  • Calculations for sound and lighting studies.
  • Calculating sizes of scenery, counterweights, pulleys, etc.

Do you want to know more about our project? Contact us and we will explain more about COMANAI STEAM and our future projects.

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